Monday, March 21, 2011

The Interview

1. What is your full name?

Elsie  Balu .

2. Where are you from(city, state,country)?
Brooklyn, NY.

3. Where did you go to college? For how long?Would you like to go back to school?
She went to Fordham University. For 1 year. Maybe one day she will like to go for her PHD( Doctorate Of Philosophy. 

4. (If the Interviewee went to college).... What was your major in college and what kind of degree did you earn? Did you attend graduate school for an advanced degree? If yes, what degree and at which school?
Elsie major was Social Work, she has Bachelor and Social Degree. She is in graduate school right now for her master degree and social work and administrative on Fordham University.

5. What made you choose your career you are working in now?

Elsie love working with people, help them find sustantable solutions to their problems.

6. Why did you choose this particular job at this particular company?
Elsie is an Intern there,she has no choice. Her avdisor place her there, so she accepted.

7. Describe the process in which you got your job.Did you interview?With how many people? How many times?
 She just interview there and she is an intern also. She got an interview only once with the executive producer Margarette of Dwa Fanm.

8. How long have you worked there?
8 months.

9. What is your job title?
Her job Title is Administrator.

10. What do your duties include?Another way of asking this question is,"What kinds of work does your job involve?
Her duties are Program Development and Education.Grant Writing.

11. What are some of the challenges you have faced working here?
The challenges that she faced are Lack of deqate, Staff for programs.

12. What is the best part of your job?
Even though she doesn't work with clients, she like to organize things administratively, so it could be easy to deal with clients.

13. What is something you would like to change about your job?
Elsie like her job, the only thing that she would love is to have more organization from different department.

14. Did you work with someone else before this job?Where? For how long? How has that job similar or different?
She worked at the brooklyn of Manhattan Community College with the office of services for students with Disabilities(OSSD). She was learning Assistant for students with disabilities. She would take she would take notes for them, read and proctor exams for them. She worked for 3 years. It is similar to this job because it involved people. At her current job she help people indirectly where as my old job, I was working directly students.

15. What do you see as your future with this company? If you plan on changing jobs, what will you do?
She would love stay with Dwa Fanm as a volunteer, but I would like to move to a larger organization for move experience as a program developer or grant writer.

16. Do you enjoy the kind of work you do?Why or why not?

17. Do you ever plan to open your own business? If so, what kind of business will you open? where will you open it?
She plan to start a non-profit that is geared towards sustainable development projects in the rural areas of Haiti.

18. How was having an intern helped your company or organization?
Interns is a helpful resource to any organization as they take on a lot of important work for the organization like research and administartive duties and they gain a lot of experience in the process.

19.What advice would you give to teenage interns(such as myself) getting ready for college?
Having been through several internships. She would advice an intern to be open to new experiences whether they are in their comfort zone or not. Be willing to listen to advice from those in the organizations where you intern.

20. What advice would you give to teenage interns( such as myself) preparing to find a career in the real world? 
Make sure you always maintain good relationships with any places where you worked. Be an eager listener and learner. Look for role models and people that you admire at your internships and talk to them about your future goals. They can point you in the right direction.

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